高溫高壓圓盤式蒸汽疏水閥 Disc trap of high temperature and pressure 產品介紹:蒸汽保溫型高溫高壓圓盤式蒸汽疏水閥閥體材料采用合金鋼制造,能耐550℃高溫,動作靈敏,工作質量高,適用于高溫高壓惡劣工況下的疏水工作,是高壓過熱蒸汽管線和高壓過熱蒸汽設備的疏水閥之一。 結構特點:1、閥內部裝有自動吹除裝置,新型皇冠式閥片,密封極為可靠。蒸汽保溫裝置,高效節(jié)能。 2、可迅速排除設備啟動時的空氣及凝結水,排量大,漏汽率小。 3、抗腐蝕性強,動作可靠,經久耐用。 4、在工作壓力范圍內,無需調整,節(jié)能*。 Introduction:The valve body of the disc trap of high temperature and pressure is made of alloyed steel.It can operate in the environment of 550℃ with agile action and high quality.It is appropriate for the water discharge in the environment of high temperature and pressure.It is one of the optimal traps for the steam pipelines and steam equipment of high pressure. Structure:1.The automatic blowing equipment is equipped inside the valve.With new crow-type valve disc and reliable sealing performance;warm-keeping,high effective and energy-saving; 2.Being able to rapidly discharge the gas and condensed water when started,with large amount of water discharged,and small rate of steam leakage; 3.Strong abilities to resist corruption and enduring performances. 4.There needs no adjustment within working pressure,excellent,excellent abilities to save energy. 主要零件材料和性能參數(shù)Main parts and specifitions 主要零部件材料表 Main parts materials | Body/Bonnet 閥體、閥蓋 | WCB、WC6、Wc9 | 性能參數(shù) Performance parameter | Max Pressure rating | 6.5MPa、15.0MPa、26.0MPa | Valve piece 閥片 | Chromium stainless steel 鉻不銹鋼 | Applied medium 適用介質 | Has been suitable the hot steam sondensing water 過熱蒸汽、飽和蒸汽、凝結水 | Valve seat/valve core 閥座、閥芯 | Tungsten chromium cobalt alloy 鎢鉻鈷合金 | Highest permission back pressure rate zui高允許背壓率 | >50% | In sets Filters 內置過濾網(wǎng) | Stainless Steel 不銹鋼 | Highest permissible temperature zui高允許溫度 | 鑄鋼425℃ Cast steel 425℃ 鉻鉬鋼550℃ Cast irons550℃ | 主要外型及連接尺寸 Shape and size of the main connections 
 維護與檢修 疏水閥運行期一般為12個月,到期打開出口體清除臟物,清洗濾網(wǎng),如介質雜質較多,可以酌情提前清洗。疏水閥由于使用過久可能有封閉不嚴現(xiàn)象,這時,要及時更換或維修(如維修:打開出口體,把閥蓋卸下打開,檢查閥片,閥座密封是否磨損。可以用600目金鋼砂混機油在平臺上研磨,達到電二件互為密封為止。)
故障現(xiàn)象 | 可能原因 | 解決方法 | 漏汽 | 1 .閥片、閥座的密封面嚴重磨損; | 研磨密封面,使其達到密封; | 2 .密封面上存有污垢或水銹 | 打開閥蓋清除污垢或水銹 | 3 .閥前無凝結水、蒸汽過熱 | 關閉疏水閥前截止閥 | 連續(xù)排水 | 閥蓋沒有擰緊或者閥蓋有泄漏蒸汽直接進入控制,使閥片打不開。 | 旋緊閥蓋或排除泄漏處,可用耐高溫密封膠修補泄漏處 | ◇ 閥門類:【A】安全閥【D】蝶閥 電磁閥【F】放料閥【G】隔膜閥 管夾閥 過濾器【H】呼吸閥【J】 截止閥 減壓閥【P】排泥閥 排氣閥 排污閥 平衡閥【Q】球閥 切斷閥【S】 疏水閥 水力控制閥【T】調節(jié)閥【X】旋塞閥【Z】閘閥 針型閥 止回閥 柱塞閥 阻火器。 
